Climate change increases the risk of forest fires in Fennoscandia
The Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland have produced infographics on the impacts of climate change on forest fire risk. The infographics, or information graphics, can be freely used by the public and the media.
Note: When using the infographics, please cite the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, and as references.
The complete set of the infographics can be downloaded as a PDF file, and the individual images are also available in PNG format. To enlarge a single image in your browser: right-click the image and select “Open image in New Tab”.
The complete set of the infographics in one PDF-file
Individual infographics as PNG format
Figure 1. The occurrence of forest fires depends on weather, forest fuels, and human activities.
Figure 2. The total area burnt has mainly remained low in Fennoscandia during the recent decades.
Figure 3. Climate change increases the risk of forest fires.
Figure 4. Damage caused by forest fires can be reduced with new technology, services, and community readiness.
Figure 5. Forest fires are the largest source of black carbon in the Arctic – Fennoscandian fires have local effects on the environment and air quality.
References: [1]
The content is produced as part of the IBA ForestFires project funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland