Environmental protection – Mitigation


Environmental permits and influencing their content are one of the most significant means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The municipal environmental authority can tighten the requirements of the permit applied from it with respect to emissions into the air.

The environmental industry has a major role in mitigating climate change

For the municipalities' environmental protection industry that aims to promote environmental protection in the municipality's area, climate change poses a challenge. In addition to the Municipalities' Environmental Protection Management Act, the environmental protection of municipalities is governed by the Land Use and Building Act and Nature Conservation Act. The regulations emphasise the environment from the point of view of humans. A municipality must guarantee a healthy living environment for its residents.

A local agenda is a municipality's long-term strategy to implement sustainable development. Using a range of strategies and systems, the themes in the local agenda can be deepened, and drawing up an environmental policy and system for the municipality promotes climate goals. A climate strategy or programme commits the different operators in a municipality for the long-term climate goals whose implementation should be monitored with suitable indicators, such as greenhouse gas emissions.

Licensing is a functioning means for reducing emissions

In connection with permission issues decided by regional administrative agencies, a municipality's environmental committee has a possibility to issue a statement emphasising the significance of emissions into the air. In addition, a systematic monitoring of the permissions can reduce the emissions indirectly. It is possible to provide education for climate-favourable actions in connection with granting monitoring tasks and permissions.

Climate view to all decision-making in a municipality

All decision-making in a municipality should include the climate view and expertise. For example, decisions regarding zoning have a great, direct and indirect impact on greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to improving domestic sorting of waste, environmental education and communication aimed at the local residents can promote energy conservation and increase energy efficiency. Environmental cooperation with schools has an impact on the students' environmental awareness and, through that, to favourable behaviour in the future with respect to the climate.

References [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]

